Old Orhei (Romanian: Orheiul Vechi) is a historical and archaeological complex, located in Trebujeni, at 60 kilometres (37 mi) north-east of Chişinău, on the Răut River, in Moldova.
The ancient city Old Orhei - a unique natural and historical complex in the open air. It organically combines the natural landscape and vestiges of ancient civilizations. As a result of enormous archeological excavations here there were discovered the cultural layers of different epochs such as the Paleolithic, Eneolithic, and Iron Age.
Old Orhei contains traces of different civilizations, including the rests of earthen and wooden fortresses of Geto-Dacian fortress (6th-1st centuries. BC. Oe.), Golden Horde fortShehr al-Jedid (or Yangi-Shehr) (14th century.), Moldavian fort (14th-16th centuries), Orthodox monasteries (c 14th century.), and the Moldavian town Orheiul Vechi (Old Orhei) (14th-16th centuries).